


A disoriented war veteran's grip on reality falters as unsettling messages and encounters with familiar faces lead him to confront the shadows of his past.


A troubled veteran, experiences disturbing encounters and cryptic messages that blur the lines between reality and nightmare. As he struggles to make sense of these events, he is forced to face the haunting echoes of his past trauma.

Artistic Interpretation

In Cusp, the boundary between past and present blurs into a fluid, dreamlike tapestry where the echoes of trauma shape every moment. The film unfurls like a reverie, where the everyday is imbued with a haunting resonance. Within the dim confines of a coffee bar, Peter's struggle becomes a silent ballet of regret and introspection, unfolding through sparse yet potent exchanges.

The narrative gracefully dances on the edge of the surreal, inviting viewers to peer into a world where the weight of lost lives and fractured relationships materializes in spectral forms. The Strange Woman and the Bartender emerge not as mere characters but as poignant symbols of Peter's haunted psyche, their presence a spectral reminder of the choices made and lives altered in the crucible of war.

The Cusp is a profound meditation on the human condition, artfully weaving the intangible threads of memory and emotion into a rich, evocative tapestry. It challenges the viewer to confront the shadowy interstice of existence where guilt and redemption collide, leaving them with a lingering sense of introspective unease and unspoken sorrow.