As an alien invasion descends upon Earth, a young woman, already reeling from the recent loss of her mother, is forced into isolation in her family home, where the constant threat of the unknown and the suffocating grief slowly push her to the edge of madness.
After a devastating alien invasion forces governments to issue martial law and quarantine cities, Emma, a young woman mourning the recent loss of her mother, is left to cope with her grief in the confines of her family home.
As the news of the invasion grows more dire, the government urges citizens to cover themselves in sheets of cloth—like chadors—to avoid attracting the aliens’ attention when they venture outside.
But Emma feels increasingly trapped, not just by the ever-looming threat of alien occupation, but by the claustrophobic isolation of her home. As she spirals deeper into loneliness and fear, she begins to experience strange, unsettling occurrences that blur the line between reality and paranoia.
The shadows of her grief and the alien threat converge, forcing Emma to confront both her psychological torment and the hostile forces beyond her doorstep.
Release Date: September 2025
Artistic Interpretation
In Her Shadows is a chilling exploration of isolation, grief, and paranoia, set against the backdrop of an alien invasion that serves as both external threat and internal catalyst. The film’s aesthetic is hauntingly sparse, with muted earth tones, creating a suffocating atmosphere.The house, a claustrophobic cage for the protagonist, becomes a metaphor for her grief and mounting anxiety, each shadow inching closer as her mind unravels.
Cinematographically, the camera stays close to Emma, drawing the audience into her spiralling emotional world. Tight shots and disorienting angles reflect her mental instability as the boundary between reality and fear blurs. Sound design heightens this tension, with eerie whispers and an oppressive hum from the outside world, suggesting an alien presence that is as much psychological as it is physical.
The shadows in the film symbolize Emma’s internal turmoil—grief, fear, and alienation—while windows and veils represent her inability to escape both the outside world and her own mind.
The film is a haunting meditation on loss, survival, and the suffocating nature of both external and internal forces.