i overmorge (The Day After Tomorrow)


The film is presented in Norwegian with English subtitles.

i overmorge (The Day After Tomorrow): A Poetic Exploration of Dystopian Despair

A stark, introspective journey through a dystopian wasteland, the film captures the haunting aftermath of humanity’s deepest failings. With its bleak landscapes and resonant themes of greed and corruption, it offers a powerful, poetic meditation on the moral decay that has led to societal collapse. The film’s evocative imagery and existential tone leave a lingering sense of despair and a poignant search for hope amid the ruins.


In a dystopian world ravaged by humanity's darkest impulses, a lone woman roams the desolate remnants of civilization, haunted by the fallout of collective greed, corruption, and the relentless pursuit of power.


In a world shattered by its own worst traits—greed, corruption, and an unquenchable thirst for power—one woman traverses the ruins of a collapsed society. Once hopeful about human nature, she now faces the harsh reality of a civilization undone by its vices. As she navigates the desolation, she reflects on the moral decay that led to the downfall and searches for a flicker of hope amidst the shadows of humanity’s darkest impulses.

Main Cast

Kirstin Jaap - Elin

The Production Crew

Cinematography - Shahrokh Nael
Director / Producer - Shahrokh Nael

Production Details

Production Company: Orange Attic
Release Date: September 21st
Running Time: 01.56 Min
Country: United Kingdom
Language: Norwegian